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Short Story Writing Tutorial: Useful tips to get started

Crafting a compelling short story requires a keen understanding of the form and a mastery of narrative techniques and literary devices. In this tutorial, we'll explore some useful tips and strategies for getting started with short story writing. Whether you're a seasoned writer or...

Romantic Resonance

Out of nowhere, you appeared, just here, in front of me. With the charmer attitude of initial ignorance, I turn my head from you, just so much so that I can still follow you with peripheral vision. Now I really want to evaluate my...

Nothing of mine is needed by anyone

Embarking on an introspective journey, these reflections delve into the realization that "nothing of mine is needed by anyone." As the story unfolds, explore the struggle for purpose and the internal conflict driving the protagonist's quest for validation. A thought comes to my mind,...

Recipe for happiness

Find your inner satisfaction Unfortunately, I was born with a defect not to tolerate carelessness for living beings. If I say that unprepared, you'll say I'm crazy right away. I hate those who don't mind for ones who surround them, even more for their friends,...

The mystery of the isosceles triangles of Greece

The popular geodetic geometry of old Greece is one more brilliant secret of Ancient Greeks, as the area of their sanctuaries and asylums structures nonexistent mathematical arrangements that challenge legitimate translations and very much positioned casings of enlistment. Why the old Greeks assembled their...

Helping the stray cat

The stray cat who is helped by kind-hearted children Eva was asleep, all enjoying her dreams. "My dear, get up for breakfast. We'll all be waiting for you,” says Grandmother. "OK, Granny. I'll get a shower and be ready in time for breakfast, and I'll...

12 Paradox Statements That Will Blow Your Mind

Etymology of paradox statements It will interest you to know that the word paradox comes from the Greek words "para" - ("against") and "Doxa" - ("truth" or "opinion"). Paradox statements are an apparently ludicrous or contradictory remark or proposition that, upon closer examination, may turn...

What unconditional love means?! [True story]

How would you define unconditional love? For many, love is pure self-love. They like the idea that unconditional love is the deeper meaning of life, the reason we exist. They are in love with the word "love", but only with themselves. When they move a little...
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